Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A time of Reflection

A lot of people talk about how they arent into New Years Resolutions and how they wont reach what they set out to do anyway. I dont look at it that way. At the end of each year I look back on the events that happened, what could have been done a tad bit differently, but most of all how blessed that I was! Then I began to set goals for the new year, goals I can attain within reason.
2010 started out with a whirlwind. We had just moved into our house at christmas time and were doing almost a total remodel. We were lucky enough to be able to do the painting before we moved in. Then came christmas, it was all in such a rush we didnt get to decorate our house with lights like usual but we were okay with just moving in and having a tree up.
We worked on the remodel continuously until April when we decided we would jus tie up the loose ends & finish the kitchen flooring and cabinet tops till the following spring then we would be completely done and the house would all age at the same time, but as life has it, it ebbs and flows.
We were so very happy, I had just finished putting in my gardens out front and at the curbside when my husband lost his job! Oh how this put things into perspective!
Several weeks into it a friend asked us to come out to their house after church . When we got there they told us they were giving us something and he got out a huge ice chest and filled it to the brim with meat out of their freezer. I must admit my pride was a lil bit in the way and I was overhwhelmed. He began to tell us a story of how when he was in the first grade his class began to take up can goods for a needy family. A few weeks later these boxes of goods were on his front porch and the needy family was his! I was in awe and touched beyond belief, that someone would do this for us and that so many years ago a little boy was hungry but at the same time embarrased that his family was the one in need. I knew now that my own pride had no business being in the way and the position we were in ,temporarily, didnt hold a candle to his childhood years. This act of love from our friends was about the nicest thing anyone has ever done for us.
Robert got temporary day labor to hold us out over the summer and we were so very grateful. It was far from what he was used to but it paid our neccesities and got us by for sure.
Around Mothers day we got some free tickets to go see a Rangers game and Toby Mac was in concert a few hours before the game. I had seen him before but in this relaxed setting of an outdoor concert he was even more awesome! It was a beautiful crisp day which made it even sweeter! Then came the Rangers game, free tickets are in the nosebleeds so I always have to conquer my fear of heights each and every time. Around the 4th inning I started sweating profusely and was naseaous so I told Robert and he immediately said it was time to leave. I thought it was a little abrupt but noticed once I got up my clothes were drenched. I followed up with my Dr on monday and long story short all my tests came back good but I also began having chest pains, severe ones. So they scheduled a heart cath. A couple days before it was to be done we were packing late on night to go to one of my very best friends daughters wedding. It had been planned for a year and I was excited! Right before bed I told the hubs that I had a gut feeling we shouldnt go but I was having no symptoms so I didnt know why. He has learned more than I, to listen to my inner voice. He said to leave our bags packed and set the alarm and if I still felt that way in the morning we wouldnt go. I awoke before the alarm feeling like my arms were going to blow off! I called my Doc and he said go right to the ER. Long story , but I ended up spending seven days in ICU between my town and Baylor. I had a heart cath as well as a pacemaker put in. They almost send me home from each hospital but with my persistence they kept me and in the end told me how happy they were I has inisisted as it saved my life! Once again, always be your own advocate! After all it is your life! The night before my surgery one of my classmates I speak to on Facebook but have not seen in twenty five years came to see me at the hospital. Her and her sister both. We visited for awhile and they prayed over me. I was touched beyond words! I recieved my pacemaker on June 16th and on my birthday the very next day I turned 42 and was released from the hospital. When he went down to get the car the surgery nurses came in with balloons and a gourmet cake and sang Happy Birthday to me! I was so very touched and will never ever forget that birthday and my new chance at life, once again!
Its been a long six months recuperation and my church rallied around me with so much love! Bringing us meals the first week and while I was in the hospital covering me in prayer! As well as all my friends and classmates praying for me on facebook! I had no idea so many people cared for me! I was so overwhelmed and grateful for the outpouring of love shown to us!
In August we moved the youngest to college again, this time to the metroplex. In September Robert found a permenant job and it was more than we could have asked for.
On September 29th I woke up throwing up during the night and the next morning told the hubs that something was about to happen to my youngest daughter but I had no idea what. Three days later there was a knock at my door in the middle of the night and she had been involved in something very serious. I cant go into it here, as its yet to all be resolved, but I can tell you my heart fell to my knees. I have not been quite the same since.
I have spent the fall and winter recuperating, doing some small projects at home, and getting ready to return to college after sixteen long years. I had registered for school in the summer but since I was going in for testing I withdrew, now I am so glad that I did. But I also know that now it is time. Its time for me to reach some of the goals I have had in the making for a few years now.
Christmas was really good this year. For the first time since I was a child, we had ours on christmas day. I wasnt for it at first, but as children get older and have other people and things in their lives, traditions must change as well. Im just very grateful we all still get together.
Also this christmas my extended family got together for the holidays a few days after our own christmas. This had not happened in almost ten years. For once people were able to put aside their own prejudices, opinions and agendas for a day and we were able to be a family once again. This was the best christmas gift in years.
This next year I will go back to school, open a business on the side I hope and take some more time exploring who God created me to be!
I expect the year 2012 to be one of the very best yet!